John Wick Hurt My Dog and I'll Kill You Woven Patch
LA Patches and Pins
Regular price $11.00
Don't piss off John Wick!
1.5"x3.75". Velcro backed. Woven.
Can someone please contact me. I ordered this patch and the john wick be kind to aminals and got 2 be kind to animals and not this one. Can someone please contact me over this. I got Deadpool instead with no backing. And would lobe the correct one. This was my 1st order and the right patch I did get was nice. But I would really like to have the other one I purchased. I sent emails that have got no response from. Wish I could post a pic of them.
Please be careful ordering from this company. I've waited 3 weeks for my patches to be delivered. Sent 2 emails which never got responded to and here I am. Reviewing a patch I didn't receive. This was one of the ones I've been looking forward to but ended up with a Deadpool patch that says the same thing as the other one I ordered did. It's the dead pool be kind to animals. So I'm missing the hurt my dog and I'll kill you. Can someone please contact me. The 2nd patch didn't even have the part to sew on.
It's showing my order shipped 19 days ago but when I look up tracking it hasn't even left the state its being shipped from. It's been a month since I placed my order and I've been so excited to receive them but I'm starting to wonder if they will even show. Their are a lot of other patches I'd love to buy from LA patches & pins but taking this long has made me decide against another order. Hopefully they will show up soon. If not then this will be my 1st and last order. Fingers crossed they arrive soon.